In the Dragon Ball manga and anime, few characters have lasted longer and are more integral to the series than Bulma. The hero has been part of the Dragon Ball franchise since its very beginning and played a key role until its final chapter. Now, Bulma's iconic first costume from the series is getting an awesome cosplay recreation courtesy of @ohholyhell, who brings her pink ensemble to life with the outfit's key details included.
Bulma first appeared in Chapter 1 of Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama, as she was the first human girl Goku ever encountered. She explains to Goku the truth behind the Dragon Ball he inherited from his grandfather while revealing that whoever has all seven of them will be able to grant wishes from the dragon it summons. Bulma would join Goku on his adventures and become one of his closest allies. Her scientific prowess would be on display throughout their stories. In later series, Bulma married Vegeta and is the mother to both Trunks and Bulla. Ultimately, Bulma is one of the most important characters in the entire Dragon Ball universe.