Check out our cosplay costumes selection and start saving big today!

(Q)How can I cancel my order?
(A)If you change your mind, feel free to send us a cancellation request at any time. However the cancellation is only available if your order is not been processed. Once your order is moved to the “in-progress” status (usually within 24-48 hours after the order is placed), there is no cancellation.

(Q)Can I exchange for a different item or a different size?
(A)The exchange request is only acceptable if either your costume is damaged or mis-sized. Simply contact our Customer Service team, we will direct you where to return the item and how to reimburse the shipping cost.

(Q)How to process a custom/tailor made order?
(A)To get your costume custom made, simply fill out the tailor made request form on the product page, which you can sepecify: Height, Chest, Waist, Hip, Shoulder Width, Sleeve Length, and Weight,

(Q)What if I do not receive my package?
(A)If you didn’t receive your package within the Estimated Delivery Date please inform us of your order information, such as tracking number, order number, email address, and so on. After finding out the reasons, we will deal with it according to the related policies. If it is caused by our or logistic company’s fault indeed, we would offer you a full refund or resend the package for free.

(Q)What if I receive the wrong package or less?
(A)If you receive wrong packages or less, please provide our customer service representatives with some proofs, such as the order number, tracking number, the photos of the package, and so on. If it is caused by our or logistic company’s fault, we would return the money for the products that have lacked or mistaken unconditio

(Q)What countries do you deliver to ? How do I contact you ?
(A)The costumes can be shipped to worldwide. If any questions, suggestions, please feel free to contact us through email